About Rohrer College of Business (RCB) Graduate Studies
Mission and Vision | Accreditation | Career Impact | Program Team | Campus and Community | Student and Alumni Highlights | FAQs
Mission and Vision RCB is committed to being a first-choice business school for enterprising students and discerning employers. Find out more . . .
Accreditation All RCB graduate business programs are AACSB accredited. AACSB is the uppermost echelon of guiding ethical principles, forward-thinking goals, and curricular standards for business schools. RCB is proud of its compliance with AACSB-guided ethics, mission, and values. Find out more . . .
Career Impact Pursuing a master’s in business has tangible positive outcomes on multiple levels, with the potential to be emotionally, intellectually, and remuneratively rewarding. Find out more . . .
Program Team We are happy to answer your questions or help you plan your pathway. Meet the RCB Graduate Studies Program Team.
Campus and Community Rowan University’s leafy, vibrant campus is situated in the heart of Southern New Jersey, about 20 miles from Philadelphia. RCB attracts a diverse student population from the region and internationally with in-class and online options. Find out more . . .
Student and Alumni Highlights We encourage our graduate business students to share knowledge and experiences, build relationships, and remain involved in our community after completion of our programs, providing generous opportunities for professional development and leadership experience. Find out more . .
About Us
Meet the people who will be here for you throughout your Graduate Business Program journey.

Information Sessions
During our Program-Hosted Info Sessions, you'll learn about curriculum options, how our programs fit into a variety of career paths, admissions requirements, tuition and financial aid, and other important points for your planning and decision-making needs.

Student and Alumni Highlights
Our MBA, MS Finance, Certificate students, and alumni bring a wide range of industry experience and varied career goals to the Rohrer College of Business (RCB). To learn more about some of our brightest RCB students and alumni, check out these select stories and webinars to get a sense of who might be your new contacts if you join us as a student or the type of talent you might hire if you’re looking to grow your team.

Ask Me Anything—Industry Expert Series
Industry experts join MBA and MSF students in small-group virtual settings to discuss career paths, successes and lessons learned, and today’s most interesting opportunities.