Fellowship Application Process
Fellowship Application Process
RCB Fellowship Program
Eligibility, Application Components and Process, and Selection Process
Fall 2025 Fellowship application to open for submission. |
Eligibility Requirements | Application Process | Application Components and How to Submit | Fellowship Statements for Application | Fellow Selection Process | FAQs
Eligibility Requirements
Demonstration of Initiative, Successes, and Commitment to Excellence
The Rohrer College of Business (RCB) welcomes high-achieving emerging leaders to apply to the MBA and MS Finance Fellowship Program.
Candidates who demonstrate the following qualities and meet the guidelines criteria will be considered the strongest applicants:
- Admitted to the Rowan MBA or MS Finance program.*
- Initiative and commitment to excellence as evidenced by one or more of the following:
- Progressive and responsible professional experience through full-time employment, military post, civic engagement, internship roles, volunteer leadership positions, research or applied initiatives in an advanced degree (e.g., masters or doctorate), or other assignment with significant levels of responsibility.
- Achievements such as innovative solutions introduced, procedures or systems optimized, problems identified and solved; improving outcomes for stakeholders, etc.
- Ability to visualize, articulate, and achieve both short- and long-term goals and objectives.
- Self-directed, proactive, and goal-oriented; possesses a growth mindset and tolerance for ambiguity.
- Drive to make a positive impact on communities and organizations.
- Eagerness to become active participants in RCB initiatives that further shape a culture in which students thrive through academic experiences and shared community connections.
*At this time, students who are admitted to the MBA with a probationary status are required to satisfy the conditions of their probationary terms before applying for the Fellowship Program (e.g., most commonly set at completing 12 graduate-level credits with a GPA of 3.5 or higher).
Application Process
All candidates for the Fellowship Program must ultimately be admitted to the Rowan MBA and/or Rowan MS in Finance program(s) prior to being considered for or designated an RCB Fellow.
Current MBA or MSF students are also welcome to apply for a Fellowship.
New or Prospective Students
New applicants to the MBA or MSF programs:
MBA and MSF Fellowship applications are accepted from new applicants to the MBA and MSF program each semester.
Deadlines for applying to the MBA or MS Finance programs are as follows: Fall deadline is July 1st. Spring deadline is November 1st. Summer deadline is April 1st.
Fellowship applications will be reviewed by the Fellowship Decision Committees on a rolling basis. This is a competitive process and limited Fellowships are available. Candidates are encouraged to apply as early as possible.
Current and Continuing Students
Current MBA and MS Finance students or students transitioning from a COGS to the MBA or MS Finance programs are eligible to apply for the Fellowship Program.
A positive mindset and exemplary commitment to the Rohrer Graduate Business community throughout their time in the COGS, MBA, or MS Finance program(s) must be demonstrated for applications to be considered.
Application Components and How to Submit
Application Components
Applicants will gather all of the below in one (1) consolidated PDF for submission to the Selection Committee:
- Application Cover Sheet (this should be the first document within your PDF application)
- Personal Statements (see below)
- Resume or CV
- Two letters of recommendation (LORs)
- Transcripts (unofficial records are acceptable)
- See the FAQs page for topics related to potential shared materials between MBA and MS Finance program application and Fellow application.
How to Submit Application
- Compile all Application Components noted above, in the order indicated, into a single PDF file.
- Name the PDF file: Last Name_First Name_FellowshipApplication_DD.MM.YYYY.
- Send the completed file to GraduateBusinessStudies@rowan.edu with MBA and MSF Fellowship Application in the subject line.
- In the email, please include:
- Your full name and contact information (phone, email, postal address)
- Your affiliation with the Rowan MBA or MS Finance program (e.g., if you are a new applicant when you applied; if you are a recent admit, when you plan to start the program; or if you are a current student when you started the program).
Personal Statements for Application
All Fellowship Applications must include answers to the following questions:
1. Experience and Qualities (500-word max)
How does your experience demonstrate your potential to excel as an MBA or MS Fellow?
2. Approach to Achievement in Ambiguous Situations (500-word max)
Describe a situation where there was a broad goal set, yet action steps were ambiguous, but where you ultimately achieved success. With whom and how did you collaborate to navigate your way? Where did you take on a leadership role and where did others provide direction? What process did you establish to prioritize and ensure all commitments and deadlines were met?
3. Defined Projects with RCB Partners (500-word max)
Tell us about which RCB defined Fellowship Projects (up to three) you are most interested in, why, and how the transferable skills gained would complement your career goals. You can choose among Upcoming, In Progress, or Recent Projects as this application stage is where we want to learn more about your interests and how a Fellow journey might relate to your career and life goals. Assignment of Fellow projects will be coordinated following a candidate being chosen as a Fellow, and projects may vary from what is featured on the webpage as it is a continuously evolving set of initiatives and partners.
4. Degree Pursuit Preferences (250-word max)
Please share your goals, preferences, and interests regarding your pursuit of the MBA and/or MS Finance program if you were chosen to be in the Fellowship Program. Your answers will provide initial context for potential scale and scope of initiatives you might work on as a Fellow.
- Would you study part-time or full-time?
- Would you take your courses primarily online or face to face, or a combination?
- Would you be working part-time or full-time in addition to your MBA and/or MSF studies in addition to Fellow duties?
- Approximately how long do you expect to be an MBA or MSF student, e.g., are you targeting an accelerated 1-year format or will you study part-time over several years?
- How many hours over a given semester might you wish to work on a Fellowship initiative?
Fellow Selection Process
Application Process:- Fellowship applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis.
- This is a competitive process and limited Fellowships are available. Candidates are encouraged to apply as early as possible.
Review Process:
- All submitted applications will first be screened by Graduate Program staff to ensure eligibility requirements are met.
- All eligible candidates will be reviewed by the First-Round Fellowship Selection Committee, which includes Graduate Programs staff and/or faculty Mentors.
Interview Process:
- Finalist candidates will be invited to a first-round virtual interview with one or more First-Round Fellowship Selection Committee members to ensure a strong match and commitment to the College.
- The top final Fellow candidates will be invited to a second virtual interview that will include members from the Finalist Fellowship Selection Committee which includes Rowan staff, faculty, potential mentors, members from the Rohrer Graduate Student and Alumni Advisory Board (RGSAAB), and/or potential mentors from partner organizations.
Onboarding Process:
- Selected candidates will be notified of the decision and invited to an onboarding meeting with the Assistant Dean of Graduate Studies and Program Coordinator to map out next steps to becoming a Fellow.