Student Resources
Student Resources
Welcome to the RCB Student Resources Page!
Please select your affiliation below for more self service help and resources for your education here at Rowan.
The Newly Admitted Students page will include documents and information that will provide value for students in their first semester of a graduate business program. This includes items such as activating your Rowan Student account, meeting with your academic advisor, knowing your curriculum requirements and registering for classes.
The Current Students page provides resources to all students such as our Graduate Business Student Handbook and Foundation Course Fact Sheet, which we encourage all students to utilize while actively taking classes within one of our programs.
Last, but certainly not least, our Military-Affiliated Students page shares the various resources that New Jersey, Rowan University and the Graduate Business Programs office offers to our Military-Affiliated Students. Whether you are a veteran, on active-duty, or a Military Spouse, this page will provide all of the necessary information you may need while you are a student in a Graduate Business Program.

Current Students
Click here to gain access to helpful documentation and resources for your education journey!

Newly Admitted Students
Please check here for resources to help you get started on your RCB journey - congratulations again!

Military Affiliated Students
Check here for resources specific for our military affiliated students!