Bachelor of Science in Management
Annual Student Data
Fall 2023 Majors: 317
2022-2023 Graduates: 112
The Management degree prepares students for meaningful positions in management by providing them with a foundation for career growth. The management program is designed to provide a strong foundation in both traditional and innovative management skills in the areas of leading and supervising others, communicating clearly, and being able to analyze and solve organizational problems using both quantitative and qualitative information. It includes traditional classroom instruction, simulations, real world internships, lectures by management practitioners and working with academic advisors to develop and implement a course of study which meets each student's individual needs.
Students enrolled in the management program are expected:
- to learn important concepts, skills and techniques focused on leading and supervising other workers
- to be able to collect and evaluate relevant information - ethical, quantitative and qualitative - necessary to solve organizational problems;
- to use critical thinking skills to design and implement solutions for organizational problems
- to improve their oral and written communication skills
- and to build their knowledge of how to design effective workplace teams.
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Why Management?
"I liked that the largest class size is only 40 students and from that, it has really allowed me to build great relationships with my professors and peers."
-Kylie K. Mercer County, NJ

Career Opportunities
Students interested in the following careers are a good fit for the management program.
- Business to Business Sales Management
- Administrative Services
- Service Management

Degree Requirements
The B.S. in Management requires the common core of the College of Business courses. Courses within the Management major provide students with the general management skills needed in the current workplace. It helps students mature into a manager who then recognizes the importance of the legal ethical responsibilities of today's organizations acquires the skills and tools which will give organizations a competitive advantage, understands the opportunities and implications of the globalization of the business environment, and has the knowledge and understanding to manage the workforce of today.
Click here for a list of degree requirements.

Get Involved

Internships and Careers
There are many companies that recruit regularly on the Rowan University campus for both Internships and Careers including:
For more information see the Rohrer Center for Professional Development.

Supervised Internship Program
The Supervised Internship Program may be taken as a free elective, business elective or an elective within the specialization. Students should consult with their academic advisor or with the faculty member responsible for the Supervised Internship Program within their area of specialization. Credit for this course is 3 s.h.
To see more information about the process, apply to and receive approval for a Supervised Internship

Management & Entrepreneurship Department
To learn more about the Management and Entrepreneurship Department click here.