Program Requirements

Program Requirements

B.S. Management

The Management Major prepares students for meaningful positions in management while providing them with a foundation for career growth.

For all Management course descriptions and additional information refer to the Undergraduate Course Catalog.

The management program is designed to provide a strong foundation in both traditional and innovative management techniques, blending theory and practice that includes classroom instruction, internships, and lectures by management practitioners. Students enrolled in the management program are expected to: 1) learn important management concepts, skills and techniques focused on managing and supervising other workers, 2) think critically, 3) analyze and solve organizational problems, 4) improve their oral and written communication skills, and 5) build their team skills. The program will emphasize the increasing importance of information technology in business decision-making, a concern for legal and ethical responsibility, the quality management and control tools for maintaining a competitive advantage, the globalization of the business environment, and the management of today's workforce. 

Program Guides

**Note: These program guides reflect the program requirements for the 2021-2022 catalog term.  Please note that students are held to program requirements based on the catalog term in which they declare the major.  If you declared the major prior to 2021-2022, please reach out to your academic advisor for information on your requirements.



To make an appointment with their advisor, Students should use the Rowan Success Network, powered by Starfish.

Don't know who your advisor is? Have a question? Please visit the advising page for contact information.

Looking to Change Your Major?

Click here for requirements to change your major.

Click here for the Change of Major Request Form.