Student Organizations
Student Organizations
Student Organizations
The Rohrer College of Business (RCB) is home to a wide array of active student organizations. Membership provides opportunities to gather information on a specific industry, connect with employers, and network with students who share similar professional interests. Additionally, membership may lead to leadership opportunities within the organizations.
Accounting Society
Accounting Society
The Accounting Society is devoted to informing students about the accounting profession, as well as helping students expand their social/professional networks!
- President: Lianna Tran
- Advisor: Andrew Van Hook
- Follow on Instagram
American Marketing Association
American Marketing Association
Becoming a member of the Rowan American Marketing Association and National American Marketing Association couldn't be any easier! As a national member, you can enjoy the full benefits of what the American Marketing Association has to offer.
- President: Alex Brown
- Advisor: Dr. Nina Krey
- Follow on Instagram @Rowanama
Association for Supply Chain Management (ASCM)
Association for Supply Chain Management (ASCM)
We are the Rowan University student chapter of Association for Supply Chain Management (ASCM), the premier professional organization for Supply Chain Management. Our collegiate chapter of ASCM looks to connect students with professionals in the field of Supply Chain and Logistics by having networking events, guest speakers, facility tours, and other special events.
- President: Taylor Fischer
- Advisor: Dr. Qazi Kabir
- Follow on Instagram @rowanascm
Beta Alpha Psi
Beta Alpha Psi
The Rowan University chapter of Beta Alpha Psi recognizes outstanding academic achievements in the field of accounting, finance, and information systems; promotes the study and practice of professional fields related to these disciplines; provides opportunities for self-development and association among members and practicing financial professionals; encourages a sense of ethical, social, and public responsibilities.
- President: Bradley R. Kopp
- Advisor: Dr. Erlina Papakroni
- Follow on Instagram @Rowanbap
Beta Gamma Sigma International Honor Society
Beta Gamma Sigma International Honor Society
Membership in Beta Gamma Sigma is the highest recognition a business student anywhere in the world can receive in a business program accredited by AACSB International.
- President: Alex Brown
- Advisor: Dr. James Roh
- Follow on Instagram: @beta_gamma_sigma_rowan
Bureau of Business Associations (BOBA)
Bureau of Business Associations (BOBA)
The Bureau of Business Associations (BOBA) is the umbrella organization that seeks to connect all of the student organizations in the Rohrer College of Business (RCB) to the administration and one another in an effort to foster a cohesive educational environment. Each business organization sends a representative to meetings with BOBA's executive board throughout the school year. These meetings foster joint projects between the organization and connect the business colleges student body to the faculty and administration.
- President: Molly Fitzpatrick
- Advisor: Kelly Young
Collegiate Entrepreneurs Organization
Collegiate Entrepreneurs Organization
The Rowan Collegiate Entrepreneurs’ Organization connects ambitious students to successful entrepreneurs, local startup events, and financial resources. More young adults are starting businesses now than ever before and with this increased attention, it is especially important to give students the opportunities to network not only with their student peers but with fellow entrepreneurs in the business world to promote entrepreneurship at all levels and in all environments.
- President: Harrison A. Nastasi
- Advisor: Greg Payton
- Follow on Instagram @Rowanceo
Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging in Business
Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging in Business
- President: Aisha Cooper
- Advisors: Elisabeth Parker and Chiara Latimer
- Follow on Instagram @Rowanudibb
Emerging Business Leaders Association
Emerging Business Leaders Association
- Co-President: Taiwo Bamidele-Sanni
- Co-President: Diksha Bajaj
- Advisor: Karen Teller
- Follow on Instagram @Rowanebla
Financial Management Association
Financial Management Association
The FMA is dedicated to the proliferation of financial knowledge and to providing student leadership experience as well as essential insight for entering into a finance-related career.
- Co-President:Taiwo Bamidele-Sanni
- Co-President: Amit Prabhu
- Advisor: Dr. Richard Ogden
- Follow on Instagram @FMAofRowan
Management Information Systems Club
Management Information Systems Club
The Management Information Systems (MIS) Club of Rowan University helps keep students up to date regarding developments in the area of MIS and provides hands-on experience for students in the use of MIS hardware and software.
- Co-President: Alex Lam
- Co-President: Ayushi Joshi
- Advisor: Dr. Yide Shen
- Follow on Instagram @RowanMISclub
Rowan Student Investment Group
Rowan Student Investment Group 
RSIG is dedicated to the education and proliferation of financial literacy and personal investing management. Members will learn the basics of equities trading while being introduced to complex, industry wide investing strategies.
- President: Tyler Burke
- Advisor: Dr. Daniel Folkinshteyn
Rowan Women in Business
Rowan Women in Business
Women In Business is a network of professionals committed to empowering, supporting, and guiding all students of Rowan University to achieve success in their future business endeavors. With the understanding that women face unique challenges, we strive to inspire learning and communication. Our inclusive programs are dedicated to personal and professional growth through discussions, speakers, and conferences.
- President: Despoina Pesiridou
- Advisor: Renee Watson
- Follow on Instagram @RowanWib
Society for the Advancement of Management (SAM)
Society for the Advancement of Management (SAM)
SAM is a non-profit organization run and built by hundreds of volunteers focused on general management skills. SAM believes that every individual interested in management should belong in addition to any other association in his/her area of specialization.
- Co-President: Emily Gizzi
- Co-President: Richie Loniewski
- Advisor: Dr. Richard Jonsen
- Follow on Instagram @Rowan_samclub
Society for Human Resource Management
Society for Human Resource Management
The Society for Human Resource Management is dedicated to exposing you to human resources, especially through various guest speakers to give you incredible insight to the field. These informative speakers provide knowledge, advice, and even share real-life human resource experiences with you.
- President: Pushti V. Dixit
- Advisor: John Dominy
- Follow on Instagram @RowanShrm
Graduate Organizations
Rohrer Graduate Student and Alumni Advisory Board (RGSAAB)
The RGSAAB (Rohrer Graduate Student and Alumni Advisory Board) members are actively engaged in academics and shared community connections that elevate the student experience and the reputation of Rohrer Graduate Programs. Through the power of networking and relationship building, seminars and discussions, and other co-curricular initiatives, we strive to cultivate and celebrate the diversity, leadership, and professional excellence of our students and alumni around the world. We are proud to support new student onboarding, provide insight and input on curriculum development, and serve as Brand Ambassadors representing the best of the MBA and MS Finance programs in our industries.
If you are interested in learning more about how to become an active member of the RGSAAB please reach out to one of the Board Members directly via LinkedIn or their Rowan email address or contact the Office of Graduate Business Studies at