Undergraduate Programs
Undergraduate Programs
Bachelor of Science Programs
The College seeks to ensure that each student completing a program of study has a professional business education grounded in the liberal arts. The aims of the program are to enable students to develop a broad general management approach toward organizations and the changing social and international environments they encounter, foster the students ability to develop and organize information for critical analysis as the basis for decision making, enable students to understand standards of professional and ethical behavior which are consistent with reasonable societal expectations, and develop in students the communications and technological expertise required for initial positions, as well as for career growth.
To learn more about the College of Business academic programs, please use the links below:

The Accounting program has a strong regional reputation for providing students with a combination of knowledge across business disciplines and comprehensive accounting.

Learn entrepreneurship at global, national, and local levels, understanding the dynamics that drive innovative individuals and teams to create, lead, and sustain ventures that enrich the world.

The Finance program's mission is to provide students with challenging career-oriented undergraduate preparation by acquiring the necessary knowledge and skills to succeed.

Human Resources Management
The HRM program prepares its students by encouraging experiences, such as internships and project-based learning, and is grounded in workplace values.

Information Systems & Analytics
The ISA program's mission is to prepare students and teach them to analyze business challenges and opportunities through the use of information technology.

The Management program prepares students for meaningful positions in management by providing them with a foundation for career growth.

The goal of the Marketing program is to provide students with a full understanding of business organizational functions and prepare them to be strong marketing contributors.

Supply Chain and Logistics
The Supply Chain and Logistics program incorporates different business fields while teaching the understanding of the systems and tools to manage supply chains.