Quick Facts

Quick Facts

Rohrer College of Business Quick Facts


Rohrer College of Business Profile

Fall 2023 Enrollment

  • Undergraduate: 2126 students
  • Graduate: 244 students

Fall 2023 Faculty

  • Faculty (full-time): 64
  • Ph.D. Faculty: 90% 

Fall 2023

Undergraduate Profile

Fall 2023

Graduate Profile

Mean Age: 21  31
Mean SAT/GMAT: 1138 n/a
Female: 31% 50%
Male: 69% 50%
Full-Time Students: 94% 33%
Part-Time Students: 6% 67%
1st Year Retention Rate: 80% (Fall 2022 Cohort)  - 
American Indian or Alaskan Native <1% 0%
Asian 7% 8%
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander <1 % 0%
Black or African American 7% 9%
Hispanic/Latino 12% 11%
White 68% 63%
Race/Ethnicity Unknown <1% 2%
Two or more races 4% 4%
Total U.S. Citizens and Permanent Residents 98% 96%
Other Country of Origin or Birthplace 2% 4%

Undergraduate Programs Offered

Undergraduate Degrees Offered Fall 2023 Enrollment
B.S. Accounting 335
B.S. Entrepreneurship 187
B.S. Finance 459
B.S. Human Resources Management 57
B.S. Management 317
B.S. Management Information Systems 122
B.S. Marketing 443
B.S. Supply Chain and Logistics 87

Undergraduate Minors Offered

  • Business Administration
  • Business Analytics
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Human Resources Management
  • Management Information Systems
  • Marketing
  • Supply Chain and Logistics

Undergraduate Certificates Offered

  • Certificate of Undergraduate Studies: Business Analytics
  • Certificate of Undergraduate Studies: Business Consultancy
  • Certificate of Undergraduate Studies: Cannabis Entrepreneurship
  • Certificate of Undergraduate Studies: Elements of Business
  • Certificate of Undergraduate Studies: Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Technology
  • Certificate of Undergraduate Studies: Forensics and Fraud Investigations
  • Certificate of Undergraduate Studies: Global Business
  • Certificate of Undergraduate Studies: Information Systems
  • Certificate of Undergraduate Studies: Management and Leadership
  • Certificate of Undergraduate Studies: Management Information Systems
  • Certificate of Undergraduate Studies: Project Management
  • Certificate of Undergraduate Studies: Training and Development 

Graduate Programs Offered

Graduate Degrees Offered

  • Masters in Business Administration
  • Masters of Science in Finance (Online)

Graduate Certificates Offered

  • Accounting Certificate of Graduate Study
  • Business Certificate of Graduate Study
  • Cannabis Commercialization Certificate of Graduate Study
  • Corporate Entrepreneurship Certificate of Graduate Study
  • Data Analytics Certificate of Graduate Study
  • Finance Certificate of Graduate Study
  • Human Resources Management Certificate of Graduate Study
  • Management Certificate of Graduate Study
  • Organizational Leadership Certificate of Graduate Study
  • Leading Innovative Organizations Certificate of Graduate Study
  • Management Information Systems Certificate of Graduate Study
  • Technology and Innovation Certificate of Graduate Study
  • Supply Chain & Logistical Systems Certificate of Graduate Study

Advanced Graduate Certificates Offered

  • Accounting Certificate of Advanced Graduate Study
  • Finance Certificate of Advanced Graduate Study
  • Management Certificate of Advanced Graduate Study
  • Management Information Systems Certificate of Advanced Graduate Study

Degrees Granted by the Rohrer College of Business, 2022 - 2023 

Degree Program 2022-2023
Accounting 112
Entrepreneurship 25
Finance 147
Human Resources Management 40
Management 112
Management Information Systems 37
Marketing 156
Supply Chain Management 44
Total Undergraduate Degrees 673
Masters in Business Administration 102
Masters of Science in Finance* 11
Total Graduate Degrees 113

 *includes July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2023 (summer 2022, fall 2022, winter 2023, and spring 2023)

2022-2023 Career Outcome Statistics

Degree Response Rate* Placement Rate of those Who Responded
BS Accounting 92% 82%
BS Entrepreneurship 92% 91%
BS Finance 99% 81%
BS Human Resources 93% 80%
BS Management 96% 85%
BS MIS 97% 92%
BS Marketing 96% 83%
BS Supply Chain 97% 79%
Overall Total 93% 84%

 *Response rates reflect information obtained via our first destination survey or information obtained directly from graduating students.

The Rohrer College of Business and Rowan University collect and present placement and salary statistics through the standards set forth by the National Association of Colleges and Employers First-Destination Standards/Protocols.

Placement and Salary Statistics only include students who completed degrees between the period July 1, 2019 - June 30, 2020.

Per NACE Protocols, students who are considered "successfully placed" are students who reported as one of the following:

  • Employed full-time
  • Employed part-time
  • Participating in a program of voluntary service
  • Serving in the U.S. Armed Forces
  • Enrolled in a program of continuing education