Robert Fleming

Robert Fleming

Robert S. Fleming, Ed.D

Robert S. Fleming, Ed.D

Contact Info
Business Hall, Room 346


Dr. Robert S. Fleming is a professor of management at the Rohrer College of Business, where he previously served as dean. He also holds an affiliate appointment as a professor of crisis and emergency management. The focus of his teaching, research, consulting, and other professional activities has been on strategic management and enhancing organizational effectiveness and resilience. In addition to a doctorate in higher education administration from Temple University, he has five earned master’s degrees including a Master of Governmental Administration from the University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Fleming is a nationally recognized authority on crisis management, fire and emergency service administration, and is frequently called upon as a subject matter expert on business and emergency management topics by print, radio, and television media sources. His professional activities include participating in the Senior Executives in National and International Security Program at the Harvard Kennedy School. Dr. Fleming is a prolific author. His recent books include: Achieving Instructional Excellence: A Collection of Essays for Fire and Emergency Services Instructors, Company Officer for Fire and Emergency Services, Effective Fire and Emergency Services Administration, Emergency Incident Media Coverage, Faculty Guide to Working with the Media: Media Relations Survival Skills, Preparing for a Successful Faculty Career: Achieving Career Excellence as a Faculty Member, Realizing Organizational Effectiveness: Leadership, Communication, and Competitive Advantage, Strategic Planning for the Local Church, Survival Skills for Crisis Management & Communication Professionals, Survival Skills for the Fire Chief, and Survival Skills for Thesis and Dissertation Candidates.



  • Ed.D., Higher Education Administration, Temple University
  • M.S., Computer and Information Science, Temple University
  • M.G.A., Governmental Administration, University of Pennsylvania
  • M.A.R., Counseling, Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary
  • M.S., Industrial Relations Organizational Behavior, Temple University
  • M.B.A., Business Administration, Temple University
  • B.S., Business Administration/Accounting, Philadelphia College of Textiles and Science