Business Hall
Business Hall
Business Hall
Business Center
The Business Center is located on the first floor of Business Hall and is available to Rowan University internal and external stakeholders to host events or meetings. The capacity of Business Hall depends on your event and furniture configurations. For more information, please visit the Business Center Website.
25Live – Room Reservations
- We control the reservations to the Business Center (BUSN 104, 104A and 104B) and the conference rooms (BUSN 214, 329, 427, 429) Note: the Deans conference room (BUSN 426P) is not on 25Live but can be requested through the following individuals.
- Keep in mind, reservations are approved with the following priority: University Events, RCB Events, other colleges/departments on campus, student groups.
- Non-academic events in academic classrooms are overseen by 25Live Support. Please contact them at
Primary |
Steve Kozachyn |
BUSN 426L |
856-256-4126 |
Secondary |
Dean's Office |
BUSN 426 |
856-256-4025 |
Classroom Support
- The technology in the classroom can be intimidating at times. Please let us know if we can be of assistance regarding:
- Computer Support
- Microphone Supply/Support
- WebEx/Zoom Support
- If convenient, please contact the following via Email at least two weeks prior to your event to ensure we can accommodate your request.
Primary |
Steve Kozachyn |
BUSN 426L |
856-256-4126 |
Secondary |
Rich Farally |
BUSN 128B |
856-256-5228 |
Door Access
Many of the doors in Business Hall can be accessed using your Rowan ID Card. This would include access to offices, department suites and conference spaces.
- The software that provides access to secure locations, including building, suite and office access can be programmed by the following individuals.
- Please submit a request through the following form so that we may keep track of who has access to what door. RCB Door Access Request
- We will try and grant space requests within 24 hours of request. Note: Please allow 2 business days to process request. You and the assigned request will be notified when completed.
- The card readers located on the door are battery operated and need to be replaced periodically. If your card has worked and has stopped working, the battery is probably failing. Contact Steve Kozachyn.
NOTE: Your ID Card is very sensitive to magnetic fields and, if exposed, may render your card inoperable. This includes the magentic pads found at most retail registers where they are used to disable security tags found on merchandise. Placing your wallet or purse on these pads will disable your ID and perhaps your credit cards. |
Steve Kozachyn
Dean's Office
BUSN 426
Note: Please allow 2 business days to process request
Building Maintenance
Rowan University Facilities and Rowan University Planning have requested that we utilize RowanWorks for ALL maintenance related issues. The website is provided below for your convenience:
Fire Alarms
The Business Hall fire alarms have a very distinctive sound and if one smoke detector is activated, the entire building will sound with an “ear-piercing tone” and flashing lights. EVERYONE is to evacuate the building to Parking Lot A/A-1 Tree line area per Rowan’s Building Evacuation Policy.
IMPORTANT NOTEBalloons are strongly discouraged in Business Hall! Many of the spaces in Business Hall and, in particular, the HUB and Business Center are equipped with very sensitive smoke detectors in the ceiling. These smoke detectors are operated through an invisible beam. If a balloon happens to break free and interrupt the beam, the building fire alarms will activate triggering Rowan and Glassboro Police and the Glassboro Fire Company to respond automatically. Please communicate this to all of your student organizations. |
Building Alarms
Business Hall emergency operations (fire suppression, HVAC, security etc.) are constantly being monitored by Rowan University Facilities. Sometimes the panel located in the Hub and Loading Dock will sound with a series of beeps alerting facilities there is a problem. NO NEED TO PANIC. These alarms do not pose a threat to public safety. Contact Public Safety 856-256-4922 and facilities will send someone over to investigate and silence the alarm.
Large Item Deliveries
If you have a large item delivery requiring the use of our loading dock, please email the Building Coordinator a minimum of 48 hours in advance so that alarms to the loading dock door can be disabled.
Contact Information
Please contact Steve Kozachyn (, Building Coordinator, for any question regarding the operations in Business Hall.