Management Information System
Management Information System
Bachelor of Science in Management Information Systems
Annual Student Data
Fall 2023 Majors: 122
2022-2023 Graduates: 37
The Management Information Systems (MIS) program will teach you how to harness cutting-edge information technology to analyze business problems and create solutions.
You will learn to design, develop, implement and maintain technical solutions that will meet the business challenges and opportunities of the future.
Our MIS students are extraordinarily well-prepared for work in the information systems field. MIS students are expected to have three areas of distinct competency: business knowledge, technical skills and interpersonal skills.
The Management Information Systems program is accredited by the Computing Accreditation Commission of ABET, and AACSB International - The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB). There are few programs that have both accreditations.
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Why Management Information Systems?
"I chose Rowan because of the MIS program and the affordability of the university. I knew it would be a perfect foundation for me in my career in IT and analytics."
-Steve B., Union County, NJ

Degree Requirements
MIS majors have the opportunity to focus on a specific area within the MIS discipline by selecting from three tracks - Data Analytics, Information Security, and Software Development. While pursuing a track is optional, it is highly recommended that students select one or more tracks.
Click here for a list of degree requirements.

Career Opportunities
Students interested in the following careers are a good fit for the MIS program- Business Data Analysis
- Systems Analysis
- Information Security Analysis
- Database Administration
- Network and Systems Administration
- Software Development
- Computer Training and Support

Get Involved

Careers and Internships
MIS graduates are employed in a variety of exciting professions. These are just a few of the organizations that have hired Rohrer MIS alumni:
For more information check out the Rohrer Center for Professional Development.

Supervised Internship Program
The Supervised Internship Program may be taken as a free elective, business elective or an elective within the specialization. Students should consult with their academic advisor or with the faculty member responsible for the Supervised Internship Program within their area of specialization. Credit for this course is 3 s.h.
To see more information about the process, apply to and receive approval for a Supervised Internship

Assurance of Learning
For a list of Managment Information Systems education objectives click here.

Management Information Systems Advisory Council
Our MIS advisory council’s purpose is to expand the student academic experience through opportunities that develop practice-based work involvement, promote fundraising for academic resources, and provide guidance for a practice-influenced curriculum.